Frequently asked questions

Do you offer same-day delivery? Same day delivery could be accommodated if the order is placed before 10:30am (EST).

What delivery times do you offer? Weekday deliveries are done after 5:00pm, Weekend deliveries are done between 10:00am - 7:00pm. If your delivery is time sensitive please let us know in advance and we will make special arrangements at no extra cost.

Where do you deliver? GTA and all surrounding areas.

Can I customize an arrangement? Yes! We offer custom arrangements based on availability of flowers. Email us at info@pritamblooms.com to start your customized arrangement.

What if the recipient isn't home? If the delivery address is a house and weather permitting we will leave the flowers outside if we feel the area is protected. We will text the recipient to notify them. If the delivery address is an apartment or condo we will leave the flowers with concierge and will text the recipient to notify them. If the weather does not permit us to leave the flowers at the door we will notify you and attempt to deliver on another day. Additional delivery charges will apply.

Do you offer flowers for wedding, funerals and other events? Yes! Please email us at info@pritamblooms.com 

Can I change or cancel an order? All changes and cancellations need to be made 3 days in advance of delivery date.

How long do the flowers last? We use premium flowers and take several processing steps to ensure the freshness and longevity of the flowers.The arrangement will last anywhere from 3-8 days. Flower care instructions will be provided to help you ensure longevity of the arrangement. All arrangements except hand tied bouquets will already have flower food in them. Flower food will be provided with hand tied bouquets.